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Apple’s photos app does machine-learning-powered analysis of all your photos and stores the result sin SQLite files that can reveal a wealth of information if you know how.
HTTPretty is a Python package for writing tests for code that interacts with remote web services. You write expectations for requests the test code should make and the responses, and the tests run without accessing real networks at all. Works particularly nicely with JSON-based protocols.
I am beginning to think that configurable web sites are a terrible idea. Here is an old article ranting about the hugely complicated web frameworks created so that sites may be built ‘without writing a single line of code’.
pipx is a tool to help you install and run end-user applications written in Python. Each app is installed in its own virtualenv and the commands added to a directory you put on your path.
Using GitHub Actions to updatge the README of a repository of short tips & tricks articles.
(Via Simon Willison on Twitter)
Noted by Damian Cugley .Detailed documentation for the .properties files used in Java programming is surprisingly obscure. Are quotes permitted around values? What limits are there on key tokens? It’s a mystery.
Optimizing your network caching to account for the properties of your storage hardware sometimes takes you in unexpected directions.
HQ9+, a minimalist tutorial-complete esoteric programming language.
Offset-based pagination get inefficient for large offsets; seek-based pagination makes the link to the next page cheap at the expense of having no easy route to previous pages.