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Today’s five-minute job slamming to a halt because React Markdown does not deign to have an old-timey CommonJS entry point and the TypeScript-savvy Jest bundled with Create React App doesn’t work with currently fashionable ES6 modules. Sigh.
I rather wish every logging framework had at the top of its web site landing page a prominent link to the effect "Are you working on a project that already has SomethingLog4J logging? Maybe you want a _recipe for adjusting logging levels of a particular class_!"
Almost always I do not want the 10-page tutorial that starts with explaining the concepts of loggers, appenders, etc.,— I just want to be told where to find and how to tweak the config of an existing system.
One of the aims of the IndieWeb and federated social media like Mastodon movement is to try to recover the DIY feel of the Web 1.0 days. Here’s an essay describing what is wrong with the largely corporate-owned Web of today.
Too much of my time is spend spinning between mobile Safari, 1Password, iCloud Keychain passwords, and the password-reset forms of websites I use and eventually giving up after a couple of cycles. Too many sites use fancy pants JavaScript UI that silently fails to authenticate on my phone. Too many sites impose stupid restrictions on passwords that are less safe than the generated passwords I use use.