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How should an IndieWeb blog (like Ooble) fit in with federated social networks like mastodon? Should it copy its posts to an Activity|Pub site (syndication) or instead BE an ActivityPub site? Here's an introduction to how you might implement the latter approach.
Content of web pages has become so convoluted that you cannot expect readers to understand which image is the thumbnail, so now there is a protocol for asking the page how to locate and embed its main content on your blog post.
Webmention is the IndieWeb equivalent of likes, reposts, retweets, boosts, etc.—a signal to one site that you have mentioned their content on your site.
(Via Webmention (IndieWeb))
Noted by Damian Cugley .The Social Web Protocols are a collection of standards which enable various aspects of decentralised social interaction on the Web.
Open Graph Protocol is a set of metadata attributes you can ad to web pages to make them easily embeddable by FaceBook (and other web sites as well of course, but mainly FaceBook). is a service for connecting IndieWeb sites with social media sites like Twitter.
How to Neatly Wrap a Gift Without Using Any Tape
Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8. They let you use state and other React features without writing a class.
This is a beautifully clear explanation of how a keyboard circuit can be designed.