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Wisdom Kaye, a model, director, stylist, photographer, videographer, and all-around social media personality, takes on the challenge of styling himself as different typefaces. Papyrus has never looked so cool.
Short documentary about the 1-tonne fount imported from Hong Kong to print the the New Zealand Chinese Growers’ Monthly Journal and its relevance to Chinese New Zealanders.
(Via @klimtypefoundry on Twitter)
Noted by Damian Cugley .The Fonts in Use web site has been running for 10 years now, detailing almost 17,000 uses of fonts in the real world.
A deep dive into the typography of Star Trek: The Motion Picture (parft of the Typeset in the Future series)
Letterform Archive is a museum of typography and type design in San Francisco and now has an online archive.
(Via The Online Archive Is Now Open to All via Brand New: Letterform Archive Online)
Noted by Damian Cugley .Read Naked (2002) is a type specimen of Sauna, and also a book about the world of saunas.
(Via Underware on Twitter)
Noted by Damian Cugley .The lost art of paste-up: Bryony Dalefield of the London Review of Books demonstrates the meticulous manual process from the days when it involved literal cutting and pasting with cow gum. I remember my father doing the same when I was small.
(Via Joanna Penn on Twitter)
Noted by Damian Cugley .Obviously is a warm and workmanlike sanserif typeface family with a ridiculous 96 styles. Here’s James Edmondson describing the journey to completing this mammoth task.
In 2017, Underware created a newspaper to promote their latest typeface Zeitung.
Untitled Sans tee-shirt
The next stage in fancy typography online is variable fonts.